
How to Adopt On-Premise Project Management Software

Project managers and business owners today need more control on how they manage their data. When it comes to using project management software, using an on-premise version provides a good option for higher data security. Today, we’re diving into the exciting world of project management software. We will explore how it can significantly boost your… Continue reading How to Adopt On-Premise Project Management Software


How Orangescrum Can Help To Increase Small Businesses Productivity

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, small businesses face numerous challenges in managing projects efficiently.  As the stakes are high and resources are limited, finding the right project management solution becomes critical for businesses to simplify their tasks.  This is where Orangescrum comes in – a robust project collaboration tool designed to streamline project workflows and… Continue reading How Orangescrum Can Help To Increase Small Businesses Productivity


How to Implement Time Tracking Without Affecting the Productivity

Implementing effective time tracking practices can provide valuable insights into resource allocation, task efficiency, and overall project progress. The efficient utilization of time is a critical factor that can make or break a team’s success. While a time tracking tool is essential to understanding and optimizing work processes, there’s often a concern that its implementation… Continue reading How to Implement Time Tracking Without Affecting the Productivity


How to Manage Multiple Projects Using a Project Collaboration Tool

In the dynamic landscape of project management, professionals often find themselves juggling multiple projects simultaneously. While the demand for multitasking is inherent, the challenge lies in maintaining efficiency, organization, and collaboration across various tasks. Fortunately, the advent of project collaboration tool has transformed the way teams manage and streamline their projects. Orangescrum is a powerful… Continue reading How to Manage Multiple Projects Using a Project Collaboration Tool


10 Ways to Lead Teams During Project Management Challenges

In the unpredictable terrain of the business world, challenges in project management are inevitable. A true test of leadership lies not in avoiding these challenges but in navigating them with finesse and guiding the team towards success. This blog delves into the art of leadership, unveiling top strategies that empower leaders to not only confront… Continue reading 10 Ways to Lead Teams During Project Management Challenges


10 Effective Ways of Project Planning For Higher Success

Project management can be a difficult journey to undertake, more often than not it is without a map and a plan. It’s easier to get lost or encounter unexpected obstacles along the way. If you have a well-planned path to tread the project success rate increases manifold times. Which is why effective project planning is… Continue reading 10 Effective Ways of Project Planning For Higher Success


Key Practices for Effective Team Communication and Collaboration

Team communication and collaboration is a crucial aspect of modern workplaces; it being the cornerstone of success, business organizations should implement various practices to encourage transparent communication.  Whether you are a small startup or an enterprise, the ability to communicate effectively between team members is significant in achieving common business goals. It also facilitates in fostering… Continue reading Key Practices for Effective Team Communication and Collaboration


A project manager typically manages 5 projects each day thereby making his task a lot complicated. From managing teams to gathering requirements, and delivering products, a project manager performs various high-stake tasks to achieve business goals. With the advent of artificial intelligence or AI tools, project management processes are undergoing a transformative shift.  By using tools like… Continue reading


Implement Top 20 Project Management Best Practices for Success

In the world of high-value project execution success often depends on the implementation of project management best practices that have been honed through years of experience and refinement. Whether you’re leading a small team or overseeing a complex, multi-stakeholder project, the implementation of proven methodologies can make all the difference between success and failure. In… Continue reading Implement Top 20 Project Management Best Practices for Success


Steps to Make Agile Methodology Effective for Large Team

In today’s fast-paced business environment, agility isn’t just a desirable trait—it’s a necessity. Agile methodology has emerged as a cornerstone for project management, enabling teams to adapt, innovate, and deliver value in the face of uncertainty. However, implementing Agile in large teams presents unique challenges, from coordination to communication. In this article, we’ll delve into… Continue reading Steps to Make Agile Methodology Effective for Large Team